Inspired Stories

Learn about the inspiration & stories behind some of your favorite JVD Originals

Jessica Duncan Jessica Duncan

“Multnomah Falls”

Bo and I hiked up to the very top of Multnomah Falls. It was a tough climb (we were flat-landers remember?), but the views were breathtaking and the roar of the falls was well worth the effort. On the way back to the car after our decent, I turned around for one last look and this scene is what I faced. I couldn’t leave without capturing it.

Where to start? Growing in the Midwest, I didn’t see many waterfalls, and the ones I was able to see always entranced me. To me, the combination of beauty and power found in waterfalls is magical!

I remember the first time I laid eyes on the iconic Multnomah Falls in the Colombia River Gorge, Oregon. I was moving to Oregon from Indiana and was heading down I-84 into Portland. My friend who was driving just said “wow.” I turned around as fast as I could and just barely glimpsed the falls. They sit tucked back a little bit and are difficult to see clearly from the west-bound highway unless you look back once you’ve passed them. That glimpse was enough!

After settling in, I packed up a lunch and my best boy, BoDammit the yellow lab, and we took off! We spent the entire afternoon driving up and down the gorge, hiking from waterfall to waterfall. Did you know that there are over 90 waterfalls in the Colombia River Gorge? I sure didn’t!

Bo and I hiked up to the very top of Multnomah Falls. It was a tough climb (we were flat-landers remember?), but the views were breathtaking and the roar of the falls was well worth the effort. On the way back to the car after our decent, I turned around for one last look and this scene is what I faced. I couldn’t leave without capturing it.

Another adventure in the books!

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“Multnomah Falls” - Colombia River Gorge, Oregon 2018

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Jessica Duncan Jessica Duncan

“Night at McCraig’s Tower”

John Stuart McCraig, successful banker, decided to build a Colosseum-esk building atop Battery Hill in Oban. He started this project in 1895 at the age of 72. Sadly, McCraig died at the age of 78, after which the project was ended.

Have you ever had a longing in your heart that you couldn’t explain? The need to go, do or have something that was so strong you couldn’t ignore it? For me, that need has always been to visit Scotland. I know my ancestry is rooted there, and like most, I’m curious to learn more about where I come from, but this desire is more than that.

A few years ago, I had made plans to visit a friend in Amsterdam in October. A couple of weeks before the trip, plans had to change. There I was, stuck with a ticket to Amsterdam and nowhere to go once I got there. I decided in that moment to take that lemon and turn it into an adventure to Scotland! I bought a ticket on a connecting flight from Amsterdam to Glasgow, and called up a friend of mine who shared my desire to see Scotland.

During our trip, we saw so many beautiful places, met incredible people and wandered around with nowhere to be and all the time in the world. One of our favorite stops was Oban. We had an incredible meal (seafood of course!), tasted many a whisky from all over Scotland via the Oban Distillery, and hiked up to McCraig’s Tower.

I had never heard of McCraig’s Tower, but thankfully my friend is so much better at researching and planning than I am. He found this historical structure. John Stuart McCraig, successful banker, decided to build a Colosseum-esk building atop Battery Hill in Oban. He started this project in 1895 at the age of 72. Sadly, McCraig died at the age of 78, after which the project was ended. The mystery around the Tower revolves around the intended purpose behind the project. Though there are many rumors, no one truly knows why McCraig built it, or how he envisioned the finished project.

For me, this photo reminds me of a gorgeous evening looking out over Oban, Kerrerra, Mull, and the Firth of Lorn. The lights on the water, the cool sea breeze, the smell of the ocean. It will forever be one of my most treasured adventures.

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“Night at McCraig’s Tower” - Oban, Scotland 2019

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Jessica Duncan Jessica Duncan

“Leaving the Nest”

There’s no denying the pride & joy Krisanne felt when talking about and posing with her babies. You see, each of her children was heading into transitional periods in their lives.

This family was a TON of fun to shoot! Krisanne and her children were spunky, sassy and ready to have a good time. I chuckle every time I look through the gallery from this shoot. There are some images with the siblings together wher eI can remember them poking each other, bickering or teasing right up until I said “Okay, smile!” then like magic they’re all close and getting along great! It reminded me of all the times my poor mom would try to get good pictures of myself and my siblings, but we' weren’t as cooperative as this group.

What I really love about this photo though, was the fact that this was the “leaving the nest” photo. There’s no denying the pride & joy Krisanne felt when talking about and posing with her babies. You see, each of her children was heading into transitional periods in their lives. Two of her girls, Natalie & Jo, were heading off to college, Will was starting high school, and Jaidah was pursuing her dreams & starting a new career.

In life, we all invest our time, energy and love into the things that bring us purpose & joy. For Krisanne, that is her beautiful children. For me, it is my photography, my family and my fiancé. What bring your life purpose and joy?

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“Leaving the Nest” - Oregon, 2020

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Jessica Duncan Jessica Duncan

“Onyx McGee”

Onyx is a Bombay mix and boy oh boy does he have a personality on him! Onyx McGee as he’s become known, loves to get into anything and everything. He’s the most curious, precocious, and entertaining kitty! Onyx and Ember, his sister, came to me via Simply Cats rescue in Boise, Idaho in February of this year.

Onyx McGee is the inspiration for the children’s book series “The Adventures of Onyx McGee” which is being written by yours truly! Onyx is a Bombay mix and boy oh boy does he have a personality on him! Onyx McGee as he’s become known, loves to get into anything and everything. He’s the most curious, precocious, and entertaining kitty! Onyx and Ember, his sister, came to me via Simply Cats rescue in Boise, Idaho in February of this year.

The story behind this photo is typical for Onyx. As I set the stage in my living room to practice my interior design photography, Onyx sat on the adjacent kitchen island, silently but intently watching every move I made. After about five minutes of shooting and moving around the room, Onyx decided I was missing a little something from my images.

He started dive bombing the camera and moving into the frame on every shot. He would hop on the coffee table, which in this room set up is in every photo. When I tried to get a close up of the textures on this arm chair & pillow combo he hopped right into my sight line.

Eventually, I gave up and shifted gears. I decided to get photos of him, Ember and my older kitty, George. But this image right here, turned out so beautifully. I feel like it captures Onyx’s soul. His sweet, loving, curious, and engaging spirit. In the end, my favorite photos from this shoot were the ones where he made me laugh by just being Onyx McGee.

*Side note: As I’m writing this post, Onyx is sitting on my desk (which I had to buy so he had room to sit while I work, but that’s a story for another image) watching the birds and chewing off all of my pencil erasers. SMH.

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“Onyx McGee” - Idaho, 2022

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Jessica Duncan Jessica Duncan

“Champion’s Row”

Beautiful foliage, eye-catching lines and baby horses!

This photo, “Champion’s Row” is one of my all time favorites! Not just because of the gorgeous fall foliage and eye-catching lines, but for the story and place behind the photo.

As you all are learning, I am a Storyteller. I love to bring my work to life through the sharing of the story behind the image. This story takes place on an abnormally warm October day in Newberg, Oregon.

Friends of mine own the Ewing Young Distillery (by the way, check them out, their spirits are AMAZING!), located on the historic Ewing Young Farm turned Oakhurst Equine Veterinary Farm. I was headed to their Fall Whiskey Festival, when I was stopped dead in my tracks. You see, I’d driven up this driveway hundreds of times and had never really taken the time to notice how beautiful it was, but today there was no chance I wouldn’t notice! Holy wow! I hopped out of the car and grabbed my camera. I took several shots of this scene before finally getting back in, and driving the rest of the way up.

While heading up the drive to the distillery, I was able to see the 1996 Kentucky Derby Winner, Grindstone as well as Giacomo, the 2005 Kentucky Derby Winning stallion, hence the name “Champion’s Row.” These Stallions are such handsome boys, and their little ones are the most adorable. All legs and sass in the fall breeze, the colts were running & frolicking across the fields. I can only image they’re practicing for their day on the Track, when they too get the chance to become legends like their fathers.

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“Champions Row” - Oregon, 2019

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