“Champion’s Row”

This photo, “Champion’s Row” is one of my all time favorites! Not just because of the gorgeous fall foliage and eye-catching lines, but for the story and place behind the photo.

As you all are learning, I am a Storyteller. I love to bring my work to life through the sharing of the story behind the image. This story takes place on an abnormally warm October day in Newberg, Oregon.

Friends of mine own the Ewing Young Distillery (by the way, check them out, their spirits are AMAZING!), located on the historic Ewing Young Farm turned Oakhurst Equine Veterinary Farm. I was headed to their Fall Whiskey Festival, when I was stopped dead in my tracks. You see, I’d driven up this driveway hundreds of times and had never really taken the time to notice how beautiful it was, but today there was no chance I wouldn’t notice! Holy wow! I hopped out of the car and grabbed my camera. I took several shots of this scene before finally getting back in, and driving the rest of the way up.

While heading up the drive to the distillery, I was able to see the 1996 Kentucky Derby Winner, Grindstone as well as Giacomo, the 2005 Kentucky Derby Winning stallion, hence the name “Champion’s Row.” These Stallions are such handsome boys, and their little ones are the most adorable. All legs and sass in the fall breeze, the colts were running & frolicking across the fields. I can only image they’re practicing for their day on the Track, when they too get the chance to become legends like their fathers.

Shop Inspired Images

“Champions Row” - Oregon, 2019


“Onyx McGee”