“Onyx McGee”

Onyx McGee is the inspiration for the children’s book series “The Adventures of Onyx McGee” which is being written by yours truly! Onyx is a Bombay mix and boy oh boy does he have a personality on him! Onyx McGee as he’s become known, loves to get into anything and everything. He’s the most curious, precocious, and entertaining kitty! Onyx and Ember, his sister, came to me via Simply Cats rescue in Boise, Idaho in February of this year.

The story behind this photo is typical for Onyx. As I set the stage in my living room to practice my interior design photography, Onyx sat on the adjacent kitchen island, silently but intently watching every move I made. After about five minutes of shooting and moving around the room, Onyx decided I was missing a little something from my images.

He started dive bombing the camera and moving into the frame on every shot. He would hop on the coffee table, which in this room set up is in every photo. When I tried to get a close up of the textures on this arm chair & pillow combo he hopped right into my sight line.

Eventually, I gave up and shifted gears. I decided to get photos of him, Ember and my older kitty, George. But this image right here, turned out so beautifully. I feel like it captures Onyx’s soul. His sweet, loving, curious, and engaging spirit. In the end, my favorite photos from this shoot were the ones where he made me laugh by just being Onyx McGee.

*Side note: As I’m writing this post, Onyx is sitting on my desk (which I had to buy so he had room to sit while I work, but that’s a story for another image) watching the birds and chewing off all of my pencil erasers. SMH.

Shop Inspired Images

“Onyx McGee” - Idaho, 2022


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