“Leaving the Nest”

This family was a TON of fun to shoot! Krisanne and her children were spunky, sassy and ready to have a good time. I chuckle every time I look through the gallery from this shoot. There are some images with the siblings together wher eI can remember them poking each other, bickering or teasing right up until I said “Okay, smile!” then like magic they’re all close and getting along great! It reminded me of all the times my poor mom would try to get good pictures of myself and my siblings, but we' weren’t as cooperative as this group.

What I really love about this photo though, was the fact that this was the “leaving the nest” photo. There’s no denying the pride & joy Krisanne felt when talking about and posing with her babies. You see, each of her children was heading into transitional periods in their lives. Two of her girls, Natalie & Jo, were heading off to college, Will was starting high school, and Jaidah was pursuing her dreams & starting a new career.

In life, we all invest our time, energy and love into the things that bring us purpose & joy. For Krisanne, that is her beautiful children. For me, it is my photography, my family and my fiancé. What bring your life purpose and joy?

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