“Night at McCraig’s Tower”

Have you ever had a longing in your heart that you couldn’t explain? The need to go, do or have something that was so strong you couldn’t ignore it? For me, that need has always been to visit Scotland. I know my ancestry is rooted there, and like most, I’m curious to learn more about where I come from, but this desire is more than that.

A few years ago, I had made plans to visit a friend in Amsterdam in October. A couple of weeks before the trip, plans had to change. There I was, stuck with a ticket to Amsterdam and nowhere to go once I got there. I decided in that moment to take that lemon and turn it into an adventure to Scotland! I bought a ticket on a connecting flight from Amsterdam to Glasgow, and called up a friend of mine who shared my desire to see Scotland.

During our trip, we saw so many beautiful places, met incredible people and wandered around with nowhere to be and all the time in the world. One of our favorite stops was Oban. We had an incredible meal (seafood of course!), tasted many a whisky from all over Scotland via the Oban Distillery, and hiked up to McCraig’s Tower.

I had never heard of McCraig’s Tower, but thankfully my friend is so much better at researching and planning than I am. He found this historical structure. John Stuart McCraig, successful banker, decided to build a Colosseum-esk building atop Battery Hill in Oban. He started this project in 1895 at the age of 72. Sadly, McCraig died at the age of 78, after which the project was ended. The mystery around the Tower revolves around the intended purpose behind the project. Though there are many rumors, no one truly knows why McCraig built it, or how he envisioned the finished project.

For me, this photo reminds me of a gorgeous evening looking out over Oban, Kerrerra, Mull, and the Firth of Lorn. The lights on the water, the cool sea breeze, the smell of the ocean. It will forever be one of my most treasured adventures.

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“Night at McCraig’s Tower” - Oban, Scotland 2019


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